Porcelain veneers are the secret to a perfect, healthy and everlasting smile. This technique offers the best results in the dental aesthetics field; the ideal choice to correct gapped teeth, teeth with internal discoloration, small cracks, stains and irregular shapes.

These fine laminates of porcelain, custom made to totally or partially cover the front surface of the teeth, are placed on the teeth using a special adhesive. Generally, they are used to alter the size, colour, position, shape or length of the teeth and improve their appearance while maintaining a natural look with minimum intervention on the tooth.

The goal is to recreate the natural appearance of the teeth and rebuild the damaged smile by fixing small prosthesis or dental veneers.


  • First, all necessary information to study and design the new smile is collected.
  • The novelty of this technique lies in that the patient, even before deciding whether or not to go ahead with the treatment, will be able to view the new shape of their teeth in their mouth.
  • Once the shape, colour and the final appearance of the teeth is agreed with the patient, the preparations are initiated and impressions by professional dental aesthetic are made. The information is sent to the dental laboratory for a flawless set of veneers to be made, perfectly adapted to the patient’s teeth.
  • Before been placed they are tested for size, shape, setting, colour.
  • After been placed and fastened with aesthetic and highly resistant cements, the teeth and veneers are fused into a permanent and watertight structure.

Benefits of ceramic veneers

  • They improve the shape and morphology of the teeth and return them to their natural colour, contributing to the aesthetic rehabilitation of the smile.
  • It’s a minimally invasive and painless method. The patient does not sense virtually any discomfort during the treatment.
  • Ceramic veneers are resistant and long lasting.
  • They maintain their colour and brightness and do not require any specific maintenance.
  • Veneers do not retain plaque, so they enhance periodontal health.
  • The patient doesn’t have to go through a surgical intervention to regain a beautiful and harmonious smile.
  • They are the ideal solution to eliminate insecurity issues related to speaking, regaining confidence and a smile without hesitation.